Friday, December 14, 2012

Baba's Bike Commute to COMAC

We have sold our SUV and minivan in the USA for our bikes in Shanghai.  At least we have a little freedom to get on our wheels and go locally to the store, restaurant, school or church.  There are other ways to travel, like a taxi or the subway, but biking gives us the most flexibility.
I even takes my bike to work everyday, rain or shine.  This blog entry is about my commute to my work at COMAC.  It is 10 km and takes between 30 and 40 minutes each way.  A nice little exercise and de-stresser.
Home in Jinqaio to COMAC on Jinke Rd

My wheels, a traditional Forever bike.

The bike paths are great and wide.  So good, many cars
will use them to be quicker...

This is an area with huge, huge homes.  Bigger than I can

Manual labor is easily available and used.  This wall went
up extremely fast!

These homes are most likely for 'party' members.  That is
communist party members.  The govt can't pay them much salary
but they have everything else paid for, including their homes.

Jinke (pron. Gin-Ker) Lu

Plenty of room to coast.

On my commute there are many foreign companies that you
would recognize.  Qualcomm, Henkel knives, etc

And they just keep on building...
There are a few places to have breakfast on the way.  Aka -

I leave at 7:05 from the house so traffic is light.  Home is a
different story since it's dark and busy, at least until about 6:30.

No one in this one yet.

Worker cleaning up the leaves.  China's welfare system is to
have their citizens work for the state cleaning.

This is their trash bin.

Pudong was once all swamp.  So there are still many canals.

And still many vacant lands that in 10 years will be a 10-story

And here is COMAC.

It is an impressive campus that can fit thousands of employees.

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